Walkin’ in a Wonder Woman Winter Wonderland!
In this Christmas Story, a sentiment tree named “Abies Balsam” narrates his encounter with Wonder Woman in a winter wonderland known as Greenville, near the Canadian border. Diana and Steve are hunting Nazis, learning that a year ago the Carter family fell afoul of the conniving Carl Natz and Fritz Krieg when Carl wooed Nan Carter, angered husband Jeb, and stole their children Teddy and Babs. Rescuing the Carters and reuniting the family will take all of the Amazon Princess’ skills, including her familiarity with winter sports and proficiency with her lasso. When Diana becomes a captive herself, the Nazis plan to bury her friends in an avalanche, but all will surely end well… and “Fir Balsam” even donated the top of himself to become the Carter Christmas tree! This story was later reprinted no less than five times, including in the hardcover Wonder Woman Archives #2 (2000).

Many thanks for the expert commentary provided for the month of our December, 2018 Vintage Wonder Woman Calendar goes to Dr. Arnold Blumberg. Doc is an educator, publisher, author, comic and pop culture historian, and former museum curator. He was the editor of The Overstreet Comic Book Price guide and teaches courses in everything from comics to zombies to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Find him on Twitter @DoctoroftheDead.