
Who’s the Creepy Cowgirl at the Costume Party?

Wonder Woman Wednesday is here to find out!

It’s a star-studded night for Diana and Etta as they attend a costume party at a movie studio.  Everywhere they look, other DC stars like Batman, Superman, the Flash, and the Spectre are also in attendance – but those are only people in costume, while Diana must become the real Wonder Woman to challenge the identity of an imposter and uncover the truth about a conspiracy to commit murder that led the two women to crash the party in the first place.

The culprits are embezzler Percy Pringle and actress Sheila Brun, and the Amazon makes short work of them.

Many thanks for the expert commentary by Dr. Arnold Blumberg.  Doc is an educator, publisher, author, comic and pop culture historian, and former museum curator.  He was the editor of The Overstreet Comic Book Price guide and teaches courses in everything from comics to zombies to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Find him on Twitter @DoctoroftheDead.

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